
Saturday, March 8, 2014

Vintage Papers

I had fun making these ATCs for a swap Kimberly at ArtJOYStuff hosted... her rules were that only vintage papers could be used.  So, I dug through old postcards, old papers, old photos, and old wallpaper (I have a very crumbly wallpaper sampler book from Sears & Roebuck, dated 1930.  It is moldy in spots, falling apart and disintegrating...and I LOVE it!), and started playing.

I wanted a bit of 3-dimensionality, so I attempted to make rosettes using vintage sheet music and book pages.  Some of my papers were so old that they tore as I folded, but I managed to make a few tiny flowers that remained intact.

Kimberly shipped off the swaps a couple days ago, and I can't wait to see what I get in the mail next week!

Besides playing with old paper, I managed to take a fun little trip to the beach earlier this past was so good to have a mid-week getaway with my husband and dog for a few days.  Staring out at the ocean is just good for the soul, and the change of scenery was rejuvenating for all of us.

The beach was pretty much deserted mid-week, so we had it all to ourselves.  Quiet, relaxing...and, like I said, SO good for the soul!


  1. Maggie, as always, your work is awesome. Thanks for joining in again!
    enJOY a sweet Sunday,

    1. Hi Kimberly--

      A very LATE response….so glad you stopped by my blog quite a few days ago. The Vintage Papers swap was a really fun 'challenge'. Loved digging through all my old papers. And I love the three that I got in the mail last week! It's such a treat to see the sweet work of the other participants….simply wonderful little creations! (and THANK YOU for the awesome party favor!!!)

      Anxious to finish up the latest 'pink/black/bling' ATCs on my work table right now. Fun!


  2. Love your ATCs. I need to start collecting ephemera now. I've got the doilies, buttons, lace and other it's onto ephemera. I was just at the beach too and there was no one else out there. It was just wonderful too!!

    1. Hi Patty,

      A very late response to your sweet comment on my blog many days ago! Glad you stopped by. I love collecting vintage stuff, but sometimes I must admit it's hard to cut into it and actually USE it!

      Since my last post, I went to the beach again, just this past weekend. My sister is visiting from the Midwest and she had to get a little glimpse of the ocean to take back with her. Even though it was drizzling and windy, it was still good for the soul!!


  3. Love love love those paper flowers and I can imagine it was difficult to get the old paper to cooperate. Well done!

    1. Hi there, Kathy!

      I always LOVE it when you stop by my blog, but I'm just lousy about responding in a timely fashion….and then several posts go by and I've gotten really behind! I've been out of any sort of "groove" for the past few months---health stuff and then several out of town guests and other out-of-the-ordinary obligations. It all just throws me off!

      Heck, I haven't even THANKED YOU for the wonderful crafty Christmas postcard you sent me!!! Like I said, I am WAY behind. Loved it, and wow, that was just so thoughtful of you. I keep up with each and every post you do, and enlarge all the pics of all of your crazy great finds and projects. I STILL need to get over to Nina's shop!!!


  4. I absolutely agree -- the beach is good for the soul! I should try to get in on some of those ArtJoy swaps -- I would LOVE to do an all-old paper swap! I have the same problem with papers tearing when I try to fold (or even glue) them; it's part of the beauty of old paper, huh?

    1. Hi there, Dear Laurie!

      I always LOVE it when you stop by…..but I am just terrible about getting back to people in a timely fashion. So thanks for your recent comments here….I especially love it when all you write is "Swoon." --makes me giggle!

      Yes, the beach does me a world of good. In fact, I was just there again this weekend because my sister was visiting from the Midwest and had to get her ocean 'fix' before she heads home tomorrow. It was windy and a little wet, but beautiful nevertheless!

      I love the swaps Kimberly does at artJOYstuff…she's such a gracious hostess and is SO talented herself and so inspiring. Gotta love vintage paper! (and vintage fabric...and vintage lace…..and vintage buttons…...and vintage EVERYTHING!!!)


  5. These are so wonderful. It is hard to imagine that they are so small. You were sure able to pack a big wallop in a small surface. Love them all. It also makes me realize that many of the photos that I have from Mom of me, and her, are now considered vintage. Maybe I'll start looking through them soon and make some ATCs - which I haven't done in years.

    1. Hi Marrianna--

      So nice of you to stop by my blog a while back. I am a slow-poke getting back to people! But it was nice of you to stop by and visit.

      And yes, it is a little eye-opening (and a bit depressing!) realizing that photos of my own younger years back in the 50's and 60's are now considered vintage!! Old black and white snapshots with the deckle edges, brittle early color photos that have turned funny colors….I have boxes of them!

      Glad you stopped by. Good luck with the online photography classes you've been doing!


  6. These are beautiful! I love the idea of using nothing but vintage paper. I'll bet if felt so good to get out and enjoy the sunshine and the feel of sand in your toes.

    1. Hi there, Betsy!!

      I have been away from planet Earth for a while, and have neglected catching up with my blog and comments. So glad you've stopped by my last couple of posts…I always love to see that you've visited. And I love all the antique goodies you showed us on your most recent post…especially those rusty ornate letters. GREAT stuff!!

      Hope all is well with you!

  7. I so agree, the ocean/beach is indeed good for the soul, I so love it...
    I wanted to let you know I received one of your atc's from Kimberly's swap, the one with the lady and small child. I love it, specially the layering and the wallpaper, so vintage...
    Thanks for playing along.
    Michele Murray

    1. Hi Michelle-

      Thanks for letting me know you got one of my ATCs from Kimberly's swap! Glad you stopped by my blog, too :-) I am crazy for vintage wallpaper…the old designs are so charming.


  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Hi Maggie,
    I received your beautiful atc on the far right in Kimberly's swap. So nice to meet you and visit your blog. Love the card!

    1. Hi JoAnne!

      Glad you stopped by my blog, and delighted that you received one of my ATCs in Kimberly's swap!

      One of these days I want to join in on the fun swaps you host….I'm always seeing such wonderful creations out there in Blogland from your swaps!! I'd love to do the current matchbox swap, but am too booked…hopefully next time!

      Happy St. Patrick's Day :-)

  10. Love your Vintage Bliss ATCs. Sadly I did not receive one of yours in Kimberly's swap. I am busy making my Pink, Black and Bling ATCs for the next swap. Your trip to the beach looks amazing. I have no beach even close to me...after living near all the Orange County beaches forever. Funny when I had them I never appreciated them much. Now I miss them totally. Creative Bliss...

    1. Hi again, Sherry--

      Maybe we'll receive each other's Pink, Black and Bling ATCs this time around! I've got mine on the work table now, too…lots of sparkle!

      Glad you stopped by---

  11. Muy lindos sus AT'Cs
    Su perrito muy adorable.
    Saludos desde Chile
