
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

LACE CHARMS in Progress!

Go HERE for My Grow Your Blog post and giveaway.
A snippet of lace auditioning to become a soldered charm

I wondered if I might be able to grow my blog a wee bit through Vicki's party, and was happy to join in, though a little uncertain about what the results might be.  I mean, I really didn't want to put myself out there with my expectations too high, only to become disappointed if nobody 'came to my party'.  I've got to say, I've been tickled to death to (virtually) meet so many dear, wonderful, creative people, and that part has been so delightful.  Really, really awesome, in fact.

A charming divided box made out of yardsticks, found at a rummage sale, holds pairs of glass

I can't wait to pull a name from the hat on Friday, to choose a winner of my giveaway. I've been looking forward to that part of this whole event more than anything--wondering if I'll be shipping a little package to Great Britain or Australia or the Netherlands--or if I'll be popping something in the mail to someone down the road here in Oregon.

Gorgeous ecru lace --Can you see the glass on top, deciding where to cut?

I've started working on the lace charm that's part of my giveaway.  Actually, I'm putting together several while I'm at it--the extras will be ready for a little Spring Boutique my friend is having next month.  These simple, lacy charms are always popular--I think because they end up being kind of 'neutral', go-with-anything little baubles.

Another option: white Chantilly Lace
These little sample cards were found taped into an extremely old, yellowed notebook filled with the crafter's notes on her bobbin lace-making efforts.  I unearthed them from a heap at the Goodwill Bins (Kathy, are you reading this??) and probably squealed pretty loud when I found them!  I'm in awe that someone had all those spools going at once and made these by hand!

These, below, are the five snippets that made the cut (no pun intended).  I will probably let the winner choose which one she wants.

Next, I'll trim the lace further to fit the glass, then wrap each in copper tape before soldering.  Looks like I have my work cut out for me....pun intended this time :-)

Friday, January 18, 2013

Growing My Blog...and a GIVE-AWAY!

Welcome to those of you visiting from the "Grow Your Blog" party hosted by Vicki at 2 Bags Full!!  What a nice idea she had to connect us like-minded bloggers, and so generous of her to organize this party. There's a GIVE-AWAY,open to anyone reading, at the end of this follow along and then throw your name into the hat to win a prize!

Let me tell you a little about myself and my blog.  My name is Maggie, from beautiful Portland, Oregon.  I've been a professional illustrator and designer, mostly in the textile and home-sewing industry, for many (TOO many to admit...) years.  I consider that my "day job".  But I am also an avid crafter and painter, selling my soldered jewelry creations plus my angel paintings and prints through boutique sales as well from my Etsy shop. I spend wa-a-a-y too much time at thrift shops and garage sales, hunting for treasure, so you'll see some of that here, too.  Many of the posts in my archives chronicle the fun jewelry-making and collage workshops I often teach in my home studio.  Here are some photos from past posts to give you an idea of my typical ramblings:
On my messy desk, a fashion illustration in progress
 for Simplicity Pattern Co.
The (poorly photographed) finished illustration,
 ready for the pattern catalog

An angel painting in progress...
 ...and the finished piece.  The original sold but I still
 sell mounted prints of this image.
Jewelry making in progress...
...and a finished shadowbox pendant, ready for the Etsy shop.
A collage and jewelry workshop in my messy, so much fun!
Click on the link for a mini-tour.
Some student work....beautiful, isn't it?
Lots of collage work...
...paper crafting,...
...and just about any crafty project
 that strikes me as "I've GOTTA try that!" 
(shown here, cast concrete leaves)
Well, that gives you a little glimpse of what I chat about on my blog.  I'd love for you to sign up to become a follower  (in the sidebar to the right), and get updates on what's happening in my corner of the world.  I'd love to hear from you and make some lasting connections with new pals out there in cyber-space!  This year I vow to post more regularly (it's one of my resolutions!), and I have a lot of things waiting to share with you.

And now, for the GIVE-AWAY! To enter, please become a follower (optional), and LEAVE A COMMENT BELOW on this post (make sure there's a way to contact you if your name is chosen).  I've gathered together a little sampling of my creations for you to use and enjoy.  Included in the prize: an altered journal, a small altered notepad, a set of gift tags, and two handmade cards featuring prints of my angel paintings (can you tell I like things with wings?),and one vintage lace soldered charm. Anyone can enter, whether you have a blog or not, and entries must be posted by midnight Jan 31, 2013, when I will randomly select a lucky winner :-).  Good luck and THANKS FOR STOPPING BY!
Leave a comment below for a chance to win!