
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Treasure Hunting in Eastmoreland and a Crafty Project

Yesterday, I went to the annual neighborhood garage sale in Eastmoreland, a tony enclave by Reed College, where the homes look like storybook cottages and the greenery is lush:
photos above from the inspired room
The weather was beautiful and sunny, after a cold and rainy early June, and people were out in droves.  My daughter and her friend and I loved the ambience of the neighborhood stroll as much as the thrill of the bargain hunting.  The houses are gorgeous.  The garage sale stuff was varied,  everything from junk to real treasures, and the prices were either crazy cheap or crazy high.  I came home with an odd assortment of trinkets and doo-dads:
The thing I put to use right away was the spool of bias binding, seen in the lower right hand corner, above.  It cost me next to nothing and I know I'll use it in a ton of craft projects, like the one I'm currently doing: making a bunch of bird-related tags for the "Bird Song Tag Swap" that Karla Nathan is hosting.  Here they are in progress:
Each tag has an added sewn-on pocket, with a couple of tiny tags tucked in for a little bonus:
The tags needed some kind of ribbon or tie, and this champagne-colored bias binding was perfect--nice and neutral, and thin enough to thread through the tiny holes.  The binding isn't like regular seam binding; it's wider (about 1"+) and doesn't have a finished edge.  So the edges on this stuff fray a bit when handled, and look worn and shabby.  I like it.
(oops, I just noticed I still haven't added some stamped words I had meant to).   I'll be sending 7 of them off soon, 
and then will receive back a book of 8 of them put together from a random sampling of the 150-or-so participants' submissions. It will be fun to see what I'll get back.

So, that's how I used my garage sale find.  Enough of this....I have to go to work now.  My real job is calling (darn it).


  1. Maggie,

    I loved seeing your treasures as well as the photos of some of the homes. Beautiful! The glass dishes are a great find and will add elegance to Game Night. I loved seeing your bird tags and the ribbon is the perfect final touch. I hope you sell those at the bazaar in November for they are exquisite!


  2. BEAUTIFUL blog entry!!!!! Those little tags are just to die for, sister. I'm going to copy you. Why can't I find garage sales like that? OMG. I need to get my butt up there and craft it up with you. Or just junk it up at all your fave spots. Ohhhhhh. That vintage bias tape is great. I haven't seen that kind--with the slightly frayed edges.....JLK

  3. Maggie you never cease to amaze me. You see something out of nothing. The tags are absolutely adorable. Leave it to you!! Love the inclusion of real feathers. See you tomorrow. Chris

  4. ok. I'm now inspired to go and cut fabric into strips. have you done anything yet with the crocheted medallions? want some more?

  5. I really, really love your tags! I did the swap, too, and wish I'd received one of yours! Although the ones I did get were wonderful!!
